Company directory of Philippine wholesalers and Suppliers of merchandise for retailers and organizations looking to buy bulk quantities of products in the Asian country of the Philippines. See our Philippine Dropshippers if you are an online merchant and just looking to dropship products from the Philippines in South East Asia.
Philippine Wholesalers & Manufacturers
Bedido Crafts
Handmade jewelry product wholesalers in the Philippines. Wholesale distributors of seed beads, shell beads, bone beads, coco beads, wood and horn beads for jewelry making. Choose from a range of handmade jewelry products like necklaces, anklets, chains, bangles, bracelets, earrings, pendants, hand painted keychains, and other handicrafts made in the Philippines. Also supplies specialty Philippine gifts like shells, ethnic Filipino products, and hand made crafts. Bedido Crafts are jewelry wholesalers with headquarters in Cebu City 6000 in the Asian country of the Philippines.
DMC Enterprise
Asian food and grocery distributors in the Philippines. Distributes a full range of groceries, hot sauces, ketchup, Asian spicy sauces, dairy products, beverages, baked goods, snack foods, biscuits, cooking oil, condiments, spreads, frozen foods, rice, pasta noodles, candy, and other grocery items for supermarkets and food stores in Asia. DMC Enterprise are hot sauce wholesalers with head offices located on Artiaga Street in San Juan, Metro Manila in the Philippines.
Have your wholesale Philippine merchandise supply company listed on the Wholesale Directory by going to our Wholesalers Submission page. So on this particular page we’re looking for the best wholesale companies who manufacture, distribute and/or supply bulk merchandise out of the Asian country of the Philippines. You may also be interested in Dropship Suppliers in the Philippines, Wholesalers by Country or the Wholesalers Directory.